CS Unitec Bevelling Machine for bevelling angles from 15° to 60° on plate and pipes. Features : * Fast and easy preparation of weld seams * Bevel 15° to 60° angles on plate or pipe * High-quality performance allows better weld connections * Continuously adjustable angle (15° to 60°) and land width up to 5/8″ * Ideal for steel, stainless steel, aluminum and non ferrous metals * Robust design, single operator control and easy handling * Includes two milling heads and 12 total indexable inserts for fast metal removal and extended tool life * Welding angles and weld preparation on pipes/tubes with a minimum OD of 6-1/4″(160mm) with included pipe roller guide * Ideal for beveling pipe 6-1/4″ OD and larger * Designed for continuous operation * Smooth roller guides